COVID Impact Study
The goal of this project is to understand and improve quality of care for children and families with support needs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges for health care and education, with a disproportionate impact on children with support needs and their families. While research shows that COVID-19-related disruptions/ impacts and associated isolation/ stress are negatively impacting children and families, we do not yet understand the long-term scope of these impacts on children/ families with disabilities, a group at increased risk for adverse outcomes even absent the context of the pandemic.
This project is examining the role of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of families and children across three distinct groups (neurodevelopmental disorders, neuromuscular disorders, and behavioural/mental health disorders), as these groups constitute a significant cross-section of children with disabilities with varied genetic, environmental, and acquired causes.
This work is an extension of a recently completed collaboration between The Center for Child Development and University of Victoria which demonstrated significant stresses in families of children with support needs associated with social isolation and service interruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through this work we hope to inform service delivery,
policy/practice, and science, locally and globally, to mitigate the impacts of current and future global
health crises on children with support needs and their families. This project is a community-based research
collaboration between The Centre for Child Development
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