Principle 5: Intensity

As is the case with developing any skill, more regular and intensive training leads to better improvements in executive functions and attention. For training programs such as Dino Island, it is recommended that the player devote approximately 30 minutes, 4 times a...

Principle 4: Repetition

Once certain skills are gained, continued practice of that skill over time is needed to maintain it. Have you ever heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect, and repetition creates mastery?” It’s true, isn’t it? When we practice something long enough, we eventually...

Principle 3: Specificity

The skill area needs to be specifically targeted to produce significant, long-term changes in brain pathways. Dino Island’s computerized exercises are designed to target different aspects of attention and executive function that have been proven to be...

Principle 2: Use it…to improve it!

Continuing to use and exercise specific skills will lead to improvements over time. So, if the goal is to improve attention and executive function abilities, you need to be doing stuff that requires you to use them. As you improve within a certain skill area, in order...

Principle 1: Use it…or lose it!

  Commonly used brain pathways are stronger than those that are not regularly used. If you don’t routinely use a skill, it becomes weaker over time!