Review Module 1

Download review material for Module 1 typing the password “Neuroplasticity” (below) into the space below. [sdm_download id=”282″ fancy=”2″] Select “Done” to return to the homepage and begin the next...

The 9th Principle of Process Specific Training

Principle 9: Generalizability This principle refers to the notion that changes within one set of neural circuits (such as attention and working memory brain circuits) can promote beneficial change in other brain circuits and skill sets. This means that once attention...

The 8th Principle of Process Specific Training

Principle 8: Age Brain changes are often reported as being more intense and occurring faster in younger brains than in older brains, simply because younger brains are thought to be more able to make new or stronger neural connections or to be more ‘plastic.’ However,...

The 7th Principle of Process Specific Training

Principle 7: Saliency The training materials in general need to catch and maintain your attention, so that you are engaged throughout game-play. Although the intervention program is a therapeutic tool, it was designed to look like a computer game so that it is both...

The 6th Principles of Process Specific Training

Principle 6: Time Process training is not a single, isolated event – it is a process that unfolds over time. Further, there are thought to be certain ‘windows’ of time where certain skills can be improved more easily than at other times. For example, you may have...